Data Sources
The data basis for OpenHolidays API is completely based on public sources of the countries. The processed raw data is available in the GitHub repository OpenHolidaysAPI.Data. The sources of the individual countries are listed below.
Public Holidays
Albania has 16 public holidays that are free of work and school.
- LIGJ Nr.7651, datë 21.12.1992: Për festat zyrtare e ditët përkujtimore
- Wikipedia: Eid al-Fitr
- Wikipedia: Eid al-Adha
School Holidays
The school holidays for the respective next school year are announced by the Ministry of Education and Sports. Since the school year 2022/2023, spring holidays have been reintroduced after many years of absence.
- Miratimi i strukturës së vitit shkollor 2024-2025 në sistemin arsimor parauniversitar
- Miratimi i strukturës së vitit shkollor 2023-2024 në sistemin arsimor parauniversitar
- Miratimi i strukturës së vitit shkollor 2022-2023 në sistemin arsimor parauniversitar
- Miratimi i strukturës së vitit shkollor 2021-2022 në sistemin arsimor parauniversitar
- Miratimi i strukturës së vitit shkollor 2020-2021 në sistemin arsimor parauniversitar
- Miratimi i strukturës së vitit shkollor 2019-2020 në sistemin arsimor parauniversitar
Public Holidays
Andorra has 14 official public holidays that are free from work and school. Each municipality also has an additional local public holiday.
School Holidays
The school holidays are approved every two years by the government on the recommendation of the Ministry of Education.
- S'aproven els calendaris de vacances escolars per als propers cursos 2023-2024 i 2024-2025
- S'aproven els calendaris de vacances escolars per als propers cursos 2021-2022 i 2022-2023
- S'aproven els calendaris de vacances escolars per als propers cursos 2019-2020 i 2020-2021
Public Holidays
Austria has 13 public holidays that are considered non-working days in all federal provinces.
School Holidays
The autumn holidays, Christmas holidays, Easter holidays and Whitsun holidays are the same for all federal states. Only the semester holidays and summer holidays differ depending on the federal state.
- Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung: Gesetzliche Feiertage, Allerseelentag, Festtage der Landespatrone
- Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung: Ferientermine 2024/2025
- Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung: Ferientermine 2023/2024
- Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung: Ferientermine 2022/2023
- Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung: Ferientermine 2021/2022
- Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung: Ferientermine 2020/2021
- Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung: Ferientermine 2019/2020
Public Holidays
Belarus has 10 official non-working days.
School Holidays
The school holidays are determined centrally by the Ministry of Education. The summer holidays are always from 1 June to 31 August.
- Министерство образования Республики: 2024/2025 учебный год
- BelTA Школьные каникулы в 2023/2024 учебном году
- BelTA Школьные каникулы в 2022/2023 учебном году
- BelTA Школьные каникулы в 2021/2022 учебном году
- BelTA Школьные каникулы в 2020/2021 учебном году
- BelTA Школьные каникулы в 2019/2020 учебном году
Public Holidays
Belgium has 12 national holidays that are free of work and school.
School Holidays
Belgium is divided into three language areas, the Flemish, the French and the German-speaking communities. Each community can set its own holiday dates for schools.
- French Community: Calendrier Scolaire
- Flemish Community: Schoolvakanties
- German-speaking Community: Schulkalender und Ferienregelung
Public Holidays
Bulgaria has 15 national holidays that are free of work and school.
- Народно събрание на Република България: Български официални празници
School Holidays
The school holidays are set centrally by the Ministry of Education and Science. The spring holidays and the summer holidays differ depending on the grade level. The school year always starts on September 15.
- Министерство на образованието и науката: Ваканции
- Заповед № РД09-2469/30.08.2024 г.: Ваканции 2024/2025 (PDF)
- Заповед № РД09-2047/28.08.2023 г.: Ваканции 2023/2024 (PDF)
- Заповед № РД09-4066/30.08.2022 г.: Ваканции 2022/2023 (PDF)
- Заповед № РД09-1474/24.01.2022 г.: Ваканции 2021/2022 - Промени (PDF)
- Заповед № РД09-1804/31.08.2021 г.: Ваканции 2021/2022 (PDF)
- Заповед № РД09-3472/27.11.2020 г.: Ваканции 2020/2021 - Промени (PDF)
- Заповед № РД09-2118/28.08.2020 г.: Ваканции 2020/2021 (PDF)
- Заповед № РД09-2148/27.08.2019 г.: Ваканции 2019/2020 (PDF)
Public Holidays
Croatia has 13 national holidays that are free of work and school.
School Holidays
School holidays are determined centrally by the Ministry of Science and Education.
- Ministarstvo znanosti i obrazovanja: školsku godinu 2024/2025
- Ministarstvo znanosti i obrazovanja: školsku godinu 2023/2024
- Ministarstvo znanosti i obrazovanja: školsku godinu 2022/2023
- Ministarstvo znanosti i obrazovanja: školsku godinu 2021/2022
- Ministarstvo znanosti i obrazovanja: školsku godinu 2020/2021
- Ministarstvo znanosti i obrazovanja: školsku godinu 2019/2020
Public Holidays
The Czech Republic has 13 public holidays (New Year's Day and the Day of the Restoration of the Independent Czech State both fall on 1 January each year), which are considered non-working days in all regions (kraje).
School Holidays
The autumn holidays, Christmas holidays, semester holidays, Easter holidays and summer holidays are the same for all regions (kraje). Only the spring holidays differ regionally. For this purpose, all Czech districts (okresy) are divided into six groups, which are staggered sequentially in a different time each year.
- Organizace školního roku
- Organizace školního roku 2027/2028 (PDF)
- Organizace školního roku 2026/2027 (PDF)
- Organizace školního roku 2025/2026 (PDF)
- Organizace školního roku 2024/2025 (PDF)
- Organizace školního roku 2023/2024 (PDF)
- Organizace školního roku 2022/2023 (PDF)
- Organizace školního roku 2020/2021 (PDF)
- Organizace školního roku 2019/2020 (PDF)
Public Holidays
Estonia has 12 national holidays that are free of work and school.
- National, public and school holidays
School Holidays
The school holidays are determined centrally by the Ministry of Education and Research.
- National, public and school holidays
- 2024/2025., 2025/2026. ja 2026/2027. õppeaasta koolivaheajad
- 2021/2022., 2022/2023. ja 2023/2024. õppeaasta koolivaheajad
- 2018/2019., 2019/2020. ja 2020/2021. õppeaasta koolivaheajad
Public Holidays
France has 11 official holidays that apply nationwide.
- Jours fériés dans la fonction publique
School Holidays
School holidays are determined centrally by the French Ministry of Education. France is divided into three holiday zones A, B and C, which are not based on administrative boundaries but rather on population density. A fourth zone is formed by the Mediterranean island of Corsica, whose local administration can adjust the school holidays by decree.
Ministère de l'Education Nationale et de la Jeunesse
Académie de Corse
Public Holidays
The only federal public holiday is the Day of German Unity on 3 October. All other public holidays are set by the 16 federal states. There are eight public holidays that apply in all federal states and other public holidays that only apply in certain federal states.
- Bundesministerium des Innern und für Heimat: Nationale Feiertage
- Baden-Württemberg: Gesetz über die Sonntage und Feiertage (Feiertagsgesetz - FTG)
- Bayern: Gesetz über den Schutz der Sonn- und Feiertage (Feiertagsgesetz – FTG)
- Berlin: Gesetz über die Sonn- und Feiertage
- Brandenburg: Gesetz über die Sonn- und Feiertage (Feiertagsgesetz - FTG)
- Bremen: Gesetz über die Sonn-, Gedenk- und Feiertage (FeiertG BR)
- Hamburg: Gesetz über Sonntage, Feiertage, Gedenktage und Trauertage (FeiertG HA)
- Hessen: Hessisches Feiertagsgesetz (HFeiertagsG)
- Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: Feiertagsgesetz Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (FTG M-V)
- Niedersachsen: Niedersächsisches Gesetz über die Feiertage (NFeiertagsG)
- Nordrhein-Westfalen: Gesetz über die Sonn- und Feiertage (Feiertagsgesetz NW)
- Rheinland-Pfalz: Feiertagsgesetz (LFtG)
- Schleswig-Holstein: Gesetz über Sonn- und Feiertage (SFTG)
- Saarland: Gesetz Nr. 1040 über die Sonn- und Feiertage (Feiertagsgesetz - SFG)
- Sachsen: Gesetz über Sonn- und Feiertage im Freistaat Sachsen
- Sachsen-Anhalt: Gesetz über die Sonn- und Feiertage (FeiertG LSA)
- Thüringen: Thüringer Feier- und Gedenktagsgesetz (ThürFGtG)
School Holidays
The summer holidays of the Länder are coordinated in a multi-year rhythm by a Länder working group and decided by the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs. The other holiday dates are set by each of the 16 federal states alone.
- Ständige Konferenz der Kultusminister der Länder in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Ferienregelung
- Baden-Württemberg | Ministerium für Kultus, Jugend und Sport: Ferien
- Bayern | Staatsministerium für Bildung und Kultus: Ferienordnung bis 2029/2030 + Ferienordnung bis 2023/2024
- Berlin | Senatsverwaltung für Bildung, Jugend und Familie: Ferientermine
- Brandenburg | Ministerium für Bildung, Jugend und Sport: Ferientermine
- Bremen | Die Senatorin für Kinder und Bildung: Ferientermine bis 2029/2030 + Ferienverordnung bis 2023/2024
- Hamburg | Behörde für Schule und Berufsbildung: Ferientermine
- Hessen | Hessisches Kultusministerium: Ferientermine
- Mecklenburg-Vorpommern | Ministerium für Bildung und Kindertagesförderung: Ferientermine
- Niedersachsen | Kultusministerium: Schulferien + Ferienordnung bis 2024/2025 bis 2029/2030 (PDF)
- Nordrhein-Westfalen | Ministerium für Schule und Bildung: Ferienordnung bis 2029/30
- Rheinland-Pfalz | Ministerium für Bildung: Schulferien
- Schleswig-Holstein | Ministerium für Schule und Berufsbildung: Landesverordnung bis 2030/31 + Landesverordnung bis 2023/24
- Saarland | Ministerium für Bildung und Kultur: Ferienordnung bis 2029/30 + Ferientermine bis 2023/24 (PDF)
- Sachsen | Staatsministerium für Kultus: Schuljahrestermine
- Sachsen-Anhalt | Ministerium für Bildung: Ferienregelung bis 2029/30 (PDF) + Ferienordnung bis 2023/24 (PDF)
- Thüringen | Ministerium für Bildung, Jugend und Sport: Ferienregelung
Public Holidays
Hungary has 11 national holidays that are free of work and school.
School Holidays
School holidays are determined centrally by government regulations.
- 32/2024. (VIII. 8.) BM rendelet a 2024/2025. tanév rendjéről
- 30/2023. (VIII. 22.) BM rendelet a 2023/2024. tanév rendjéről
- 22/2022. (VII. 29.) BM rendelet a 2022/2023. tanév rendjéről
- 20/2021. (VI. 8.) EMMI rendelet a 2021/2022. tanév rendjéről
- 27/2020. (VIII. 11.) EMMI rendelet a 2020/2021. tanév rendjéről
- 11/2019. (VII. 3.) EMMI rendelet a 2019/2020. tanév rendjéről
Public Holidays
There are 10 public holidays in Ireland that are considered non-working days. Since 2023, there is a public holiday on the first Monday in February, except where 1st February falls on a Friday in which case that Friday 1st February will be the public holiday.
- Workplace Relations Commission: Public Holidays
- Organisation of Working Time Act, 1997
- Government agrees Covid Recognition Payment and New Public Holiday
School Holidays
The school holidays, with the exception of the summer holidays, are set by the Ministry of Education. The summer holidays can be set independently by each school. Schools will normally reopen during the week in which 1 September falls.
- Department of Education: School holiday dates
- An Roinn Oideachais: Laethanta saoire scoile dátaí
Public Holidays
Italy has 11 public holidays. There is also the local feast of the patron saint.
School Holidays
The school holidays are set each year by the Ministry of Education and are the same for schools at all levels.
- Ministero dell'Istruzione e del Merito: Il calendario scolastico
Public Holidays
Latvia has 15 national holidays that are free of work and school.
- Latvijas Republikas Augstākās Padomes: Par svētku, atceres un atzīmējamām dienām
School Holidays
School holidays are determined centrally by the Ministry of Education and Science.
- Ministero dell'Istruzione e del Merito: Il calendario scolastico
- Izglītības un zinātnes ministrija: Apstiprināti 2024./2025. mācību gada sākuma, beigu un brīvdienu laiki
- Izglītības un zinātnes ministrija: Apstiprināti 2023./2024. mācību gada sākuma, beigu un brīvdienu laiki
- Izglītības un zinātnes ministrija: Apstiprināti noteikumi par 2022./2023. mācību gada sākuma, beigu un brīvdienu laikiem
- Izglītības un zinātnes ministrija: Apstiprināti noteikumi par 2021./2022. mācību gada sākuma, beigu un brīvdienu laikiem
- Izglītības un zinātnes ministrija: Apstiprināti noteikumi par 2020./2021. mācību gada garumu, mācību semestriem un brīvlaikiem
Public Holidays
Liechtenstein has 15 public holidays that are considered non-working days throughout the country.
School Holidays
The beginning of the school year and the distribution of holidays over the school year are published in the holiday calendar of the Liechtenstein Education Authority. It is based on the Swiss holiday dates.
- Schulamt Fürstentum Liechtenstein: Schulferien/Ferienkalender
Public Holidays
Lithuania has 14 national holidays that are free of work and school.
- Lietuvos Respublikos Seimas: Lietuvos Respublikos darbo kodekso patvirtinimo, įsigaliojimo ir įgyvendinimo įstatymo
School Holidays
The school holidays are determined centrally by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport.
- Dėl 2023–2024 ir 2024–2025 mokslo metų pradinio, pagrindinio ir vidurinio ugdymo programų bendrųjų ugdymo planų patvirtinimo
- Dėl 2021–2022 ir 2022–2023 mokslo metų pradinio, pagrindinio ir vidurinio ugdymo programų bendrųjų ugdymo planų patvirtinimo
- Dėl 2019–2020 ir 2020–2021 mokslo metų pradinio, pagrindinio ir vidurinio ugdymo programų bendrųjų ugdymo planų patvirtinimo
Public Holidays
Luxembourg has 11 public holidays that apply throughout the country.
- Le gouvernement luxembourgeois: Gesetzliche Feiertage
School Holidays
The start of the school year and the distribution of holidays over the school year are determined by Grand Ducal decrees.
- Ministère de l'Éducation nationale, de l'Enfance et de la Jeunesse: Schulferienkalender
- Le gouvernement luxembourgeois: Règlement grand-ducal du 14 juin 2021
- Le gouvernement luxembourgeois: Règlement grand-ducal du 2 septembre 2020
Public Holidays
Malta has 14 public holidays that are free of work and school.
School Holidays
School holidays are derived from an agreement between the Government of Malta and the Malta Union of Teachers.
- Agreement between the Government of Malta and the Malta Union of Teachers
- Clarification regarding public holidays falling during a weekend
Public Holidays
The Republic of Moldova has 12 public holidays that are free from work and school.
School Holidays
The holiday dates are set annually by the Ministry of Education and Research.
- Planul-cadru 2024-2025 (PDF)
- Planul-cadru 2023-2024 (PDF)
- Planul-cadru 2022-2023 (PDF)
- Planul-cadru 2021-2022 (PDF)
- Planul-cadru 2020-2021 (PDF)
- Planul-cadru 2019-2020 (PDF)
Public Holidays
Monaco has 12 public holidays that are free of work and school.
- La Principauté de Monaco: Fêtes légales
School Holidays
The school holidays are determined by decree of the acting Minister of State.
- La Principauté de Monaco: Vacances Scolaires
- Arrêté Ministériel n° 2023-222 du 18 avril 2023 portant fixation du calendrier des vacances scolaires pour l'année 2025/2026.
- Arrêté Ministériel n° 2023-221 du 18 avril 2023 portant fixation du calendrier des vacances scolaires pour l'année scolaire 2024/2025.
- Arrêté Ministériel n° 2023-50 du 23 janvier 2023 portant fixation du calendrier des vacances scolaires pour l'année 2023/2024.
- Arrêté Ministériel n° 2021-631 du 17 septembre 2021 portant fixation du calendrier des vacances scolaires pour l'année 2022/2023.
- Arrêté Ministériel n° 2021-346 du 30 avril 2021 portant modification du calendrier des vacances scolaires pour l'année 2020/2021.
- Arrêté Ministériel n° 2021-267 du 7 avril 2021 portant modification du calendrier des vacances scolaires pour l'année 2020/2021.
- Arrêté Ministériel n° 2021-106 du 28 janvier 2021 portant fixation du calendrier des vacances scolaires pour l'année 2021/2022.
- Arrêté Ministériel n° 2020-431 du 16 juin 2020 portant modification du calendrier des vacances scolaires pour l'année 2020/2021.
- Arrêté Ministériel n° 2019-969 du 27 novembre 2019 portant modification du calendrier des vacances scolaires pour l'année 2020/2021.
- Arrêté Ministériel n° 2019-793 du 17 septembre 2019 portant fixation du calendrier des vacances scolaires pour l'année 2020/2021.
- Arrêté Ministériel n° 2018-1188 du 18 décembre 2018 portant fixation du calendrier des vacances scolaires pour l'année 2019/2020.
Public Holidays
The Netherlands has 11 official holidays that apply nationwide. King's Day is a national holiday on which the king's birthday (currently 27 April) is celebrated. If this falls on a Sunday, King's Day is celebrated the day before.
- Rijksoverheid: Wanneer zijn de officiële feestdagen in Nederland?
- Het Koninklijk Huis: Koningsdag
School Holidays
Every year, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science sets mandatory dates for three school holidays (Christmas holidays, summer holidays and days off in May). Primary and secondary schools must adhere to these dates. The dates for the autumn and spring holidays are recommendations from which schools can deviate in individual cases. Schools can also schedule additional days off.
The school holidays are divided into three regions. They are the North, Central and South regions. The holiday spread is intended to reduce the holiday rush during the school holidays.
- Rijksoverheid: Open data schoolvakanties
- Rijksoverheid: Voorlopig overzicht schoolvakanties 2029-2030
- Rijksoverheid: Voorlopig overzicht schoolvakanties 2028-2029
- Rijksoverheid: Voorlopig overzicht schoolvakanties 2027-2028
- Rijksoverheid: Voorlopig overzicht schoolvakanties 2026-2027
- Rijksoverheid: Voorlopig overzicht schoolvakanties 2025-2026
- Rijksoverheid: Overzicht schoolvakanties 2024-2025
- Rijksoverheid: Overzicht schoolvakanties 2023-2024
- Rijksoverheid: Overzicht schoolvakanties 2022-2023
Public Holidays
Poland has 13 public holidays that are free of work and school
School Holidays
Poland is divided into 16 provinces (województwo). All provinces have the same school holiday dates, except for the winter holidays. The school holidays are set by the Ministry of Education and Science.
- Ministerstwo Edukacji i Nauki: Kalendarz roku szkolnego
Public Holidays
Portugal has 13 national holidays and 3 regional holidays. In addition, there are carnival and numerous municipal holidays, although these are considered optional.
- Lei n.º 7/2009, Código do Trabalho - CT - Subsecção IX
- Lei n.º 8/2016, de 1 de abril
- Decreto Regional n.º 27/79/M, de 9 de novembro
- Decreto Legislativo Regional n.º 18/2002/M, de 8 de novembro
- Decreto Regional n.º 13/80/A, de 21 de agosto
- API: List of national, regional and municipal public holidays
School Holidays
The school holidays are determined centrally by the Ministry of Education.
- 2024/2025 to 2027/2028 - Despacho n.º 8368/2024
- 2022/2023 to 2023/2024 - Despacho n.º 8356/2022
- 2021/2022 - Despacho n.º 12123-M/2021
- 2020/2021 - Despacho n.º 1689-A/2021
- 2019/2020 - Despacho n.º 5754-A/2019
Public Holidays
Romania has 14 public holidays that are free from work and school.
School Holidays
The holiday dates are set annually by the Ministry of National Education. However, since the 2022/2023 school year, the departments or the municipality of Bucharest have been able to set one-week regional ski holidays in February/March.
- Privind structura anului școlar 2024-2025 (PDF)
- Privind structura anului școlar 2023-2024 (PDF)
- Privind structura anului școlar 2022-2023 (PDF)
- Privind structura anului școlar 2021-2022 (PDF)
- Privind structura anului școlar 2020-2021 (PDF)
- Privind structura anului școlar 2019-2020 (PDF)
San Marino¶
Public Holidays
San Marino has 18 public holidays that are free of work and school.
- Progetto di Legge "Modifica dell'art.2 della Legge 18 dicembre 1990 n.152 - Calendario delle Festività"
- Legge 18 dicembre 1990 n.152 - Calendario delle Festività
School Holidays
The school holidays for the respective next school year are determined annually by decree of the acting Capitani Reggenti (the two collegially acting heads of state with equal rights).
- Decreto Delegato 21 marzo 2024 n.70 - Calendario Scolastico 2024-2025
- Decreto Delegato 17 marzo 2023 n.47 - Calendario Scolastico 2023-2024
- Decreto Delegato 23 marzo 2022 n.48 - Calendario Scolastico 2022-2023
- Decreto Delegato 8 giugno 2021 n.104 - Calendario Scolastico 2021-2022
- Decreto Delegato 9 luglio 2020 n.115 - Calendario Scolastico 2020-2021
- Decreto Delegato 22 maggio 2019 n.83 - Calendario Scolastico 2019-2020
Public Holidays
Serbia has 9 public holidays that are free from work and school.
School Holidays
The school holidays for the next school year are determined annually by the Ministry of Education. A distinction is made between primary schools (Основна Школа) and post-primary schools (Средња Школа).
Public Holidays
Slovakia has 15 public holidays, which are considered non-working days in all regions (kraje).
- Úrad vlády Slovenskej republiky: Štátne sviatky
School Holidays
The autumn holidays, Christmas holidays, Easter holidays and summer holidays are the same for all regions (kraje). Only the spring holidays differ regionally. For this purpose, all Slovak regions (kraje) are divided into three groups, which are staggered sequentially in a different time each year.
- Ministerstvo školstva, vedy, výskumu a športu: Sprievodca školským rokom
Public Holidays
Slovenia has 15 public holidays, which are considered non-working days.
School Holidays
The autumn holidays and summer holidays are the same for all schools. The winter holidays are divided into two parts. One part is assigned to the western regions (zahodne regije), the other to the eastern regions (vzhodne regije). New Year holidays and May holidays are different for primary and secondary schools.
- Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost in šport: Šolski koledar za osnovne šole
- Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost in šport: Šolski koledar za srednje šole
Public Holidays
Spain has national, regional and local public holidays that are considered non-working days. Each municipality may celebrate a maximum of 14 public holidays per year, of which a maximum of nine are set by the national government and at least two are local, including patron saint's days.
If a public holiday falls on a Sunday, the regional governments can choose an alternative public holiday (often the following Monday).
In general
Andalusia - ES-AN
Aragon - ES-AR
- Las festas laborales retribuidas, no recuperables e inhábiles para el año 2025 (PDF)
- Las festas laborales retribuidas, no recuperables e inhábiles para el año 2023 (PDF)
- Las festas laborales retribuidas, no recuperables e inhábiles para el año 2022 (PDF)
- Las festas laborales retribuidas, no recuperables e inhábiles para el año 2021 (PDF)
- Las festas laborales retribuidas, no recuperables e inhábiles para el año 2020 (PDF)
Asturias - ES-AS
Calendario 2025: Not yet published
- Calendario 2023 (PDF)
- Calendario 2022 (PDF)
- Calendario 2021 (PDF)
- Calendario 2020 (PDF)
Cantabria - ES-CB
- El calendario de fi estas laborales para el año 2025 (PDF)
- El calendario de fi estas laborales para el año 2024 (PDF)
- El calendario de fi estas laborales para el año 2023 (PDF)
- El calendario de fi estas laborales para el año 2022 (PDF)
- El calendario de fi estas laborales para el año 2021 (PDF)
- El calendario de fi estas laborales para el año 2020 (PDF)
Ceuta - ES-CE
Castile and León - ES-CL
Castilla-La Mancha - ES-CM
Canary Islands - ES-CN
Catalonia - ES-CT
- Calendari de festes laborals a Catalunya per a l'any 2025
- Calendari de festes laborals a Catalunya per a l'any 2024
- Calendari de festes laborals a Catalunya per a l'any 2023
- Calendari de festes laborals a Catalunya per a l'any 2022
- Calendari de festes laborals a Catalunya per a l'any 2021
- Calendari de festes laborals a Catalunya per a l'any 2020
Extremadura - ES-EX
Galicia - ES-GA
Balearic Islands - ES-IB
Calendario 2025: Not yet published
- Calendario de días inhábiles 2024
- Calendario de días inhábiles 2023
Community of Madrid - ES-MD
Region of Murcia - ES-MC
Melilla - ES-ML
Region of Navarra - ES-NC
- Calendario Oficial de Fiestas Laborales para el año 2025
- Calendario Oficial de Fiestas Laborales para el año 2024
- Calendario Oficial de Fiestas Laborales para el año 2023
- Calendario Oficial de Fiestas Laborales para el año 2022
- Calendario Oficial de Fiestas Laborales para el año 2021
- Calendario Oficial de Fiestas Laborales para el año 2020
Basque Country - ES-PV
Comunidad Autónoma de Euskadi
- Calendario laboral de la Comunidad Autónoma de Euskadi y de sus Territorios Históricos
- Calendario Oficial de Fiestas Laborales para el año 2025 (PDF)
- Calendario Oficial de Fiestas Laborales para el año 2024 (PDF)
- Calendario Oficial de Fiestas Laborales para el año 2023 (PDF)
- Calendario Oficial de Fiestas Laborales para el año 2022 (PDF)
- Calendario Oficial de Fiestas Laborales para el año 2021 (PDF)
- Calendario Oficial de Fiestas Laborales para el año 2020 (PDF)
Álava - ES-PV-AA
Gipuzkoa - ES-PV-GP
- Calendario de las fiestas locales para el año 2025 (PDF)
- Calendario de las fiestas locales para el año 2024 (PDF) + Modificación calendario (PDF)
- Calendario de las fiestas locales para el año 2023 (PDF)
- Calendario de las fiestas locales para el año 2022 (PDF)
- Calendario de las fiestas locales para el año 2020 (PDF)
Biscay - ES-PV-VZ
La Rioja - ES-RI
Valencian Community - ES-VC
School Holidays
The school holidays are determined regionally by the autonomous communities and also differ to some extent within the provinces.
Andalusia - ES-AN
Aragon - ES-AR
Asturia - ES-AS
Cantabria - ES-CB
Ceuta - ES-CE
Castile and León - ES-CL
Castilla-La Mancha - ES-CM
Canary Islands - ES-CN
Catalonia - ES-CT
Extremadura - ES-EX
Galicia - ES-GA
Balearic Islands - ES-IB
Region of Murcia - ES-MC
Community of Madrid - ES-MD
Melilla - ES-ML
Region of Navarra - ES-NC
Basque Country - ES-PV
La Rioja - ES-RI
Valencian Community - ES-VC
Public Holidays
In Switzerland, public holidays and the days that are treated as public holidays, with the exception of 1 August, are determined by the cantons. New Year's Day, Ascension Day and Christmas Day are the only public holidays that all cantons have designated as public holidays.
Days that are treated as public holidays are normal working days according to cantonal law. This means that their legal status is often unclear. In practice, however, most authorities and businesses are closed.
The following sources provide a good overview of all cantons, but only partially cover local rest days and public holidays.
- Bundesamt für Justiz: Gesetzliche Feiertage und Tage, die in der Schweiz wie gesetzliche Feiertage behandelt werden (PDF)
- Staatssekretariat für Wirtschaft SECO: Feiertage Schweiz (PDF)
Canton Aargau- CH-AG
In the canton of Aargau, the following additional public holidays apply, depending on the district or municipality:
- Berchtoldstag (2 January): Aarau, Baden (only municipality of Bergdietikon), Brugg, Kulm, Lenzburg, Zofingen, Zurzach
- Good Friday: All districts
- Easter Monday: Aarau, Baden, Brugg, Kulm, Lenzburg, Rheinfelden (only in the municipalities of Kaiseraugst, Magden, Möhlin, Olsberg, Rheinfelden, Wallbach, Zeiningen and Zuzgen), Zofingen
- Whit Monday: Aarau, Baden, Brugg, Kulm, Lenzburg, Rheinfelden (only in the municipalities of Kaiseraugst, Magden, Möhlin, Olsberg, Rheinfelden, Wallbach, Zeiningen and Zuzgen), Zofingen
- Corpus Christi: Baden (all municipalities except Bergdietikon), Bremgarten, Laufenburg, Muri, Rheinfelden (only in the municipalities of Hellikon, Mumpf, Obermumpf, Schupfart, Stein, Wegstetten), Zurzach
- Assumption Day (15 August): Bremgarten, Laufenburg, Muri, Rheinfelden (only in the municipalities of Hellikon, Mumpf, Obermumpf, Schupfart, Stein, Wegstetten)
- All Saints' Day (1 November): Bremgarten, Laufenburg, Muri, Rheinfelden, Zurzach
- Conception of the Virgin Mary (8 December): Laufenburg, Muri, Rheinfelden (only in the municipalities of Hellikon, Mumpf, Obermumpf, Schupfart, Stein, Wegstetten)
- St Stephen's Day (26 December): Aarau, Baden, Bremgarten, Brugg, Kulm, Lenzburg, Rheinfelden (only in the municipalities of Kaiseraugst, Magden, Möhlin, Olsberg, Rheinfelden, Wallbach, Zeiningen and Zuzgen), Zofingen, Zurzach
Canton Appenzell Ausserrhoden- CH-AR
The following additional public holidays apply in the canton of Appenzell Ausserrhoden:
- Good Friday
- Easter Monday
- Whit Monday
- St Stephen's Day (26 December): However, only if Christmas Day does not fall on a Monday or Friday.
Canton Appenzell Innerrhoden- CH-AI
The following additional public holidays apply in the canton of Appenzell Innerrhoden:
- Good Friday
- Easter Monday
- Whit Monday
- Corpus Christi
- Assumption Day (15 August)
- St Maurice's Day (22 September): In all districts except Oberegg
- All Saints' Day (1 November)
- Conception of Mary (8 December)
- St Stephen's Day (26 December): However, only if its celebration does not result in three consecutive days of rest.
Canton Basel-Landschaft- CH-BL
The following additional public holidays apply in the canton of Basel-Landschaft:
- Good Friday
- Easter Sunday
- Easter Monday
- Labour Day (1 May)
- Whit Sunday
- Whit Monday
- Federal Day of Thanksgiving, Repentance and Prayer
- St Stephen's Day (26 December)
The municipalities may determine further local public holidays.
Canton Basel-Stadt- CH-BS
The following additional public holidays apply in the canton of Basel-Stadt:
- Good Friday
- Easter Sunday
- Easter Monday
- Labour Day (1 May)
- Whit Sunday
- Whit Monday
- Federal Day of Thanksgiving, Repentance and Prayer
- St Stephen's Day (26 December)
Canton Bern- CH-BE
The following additional public holidays apply in the canton of Bern:
- Berchtold's Day (2 January)
- Good Friday
- Easter Sunday
- Easter Monday
- Whit Sunday
- Whit Monday
- Federal Day of Thanksgiving, Repentance and Prayer
St Stephen's Day (26 December) Source:
Canton Fribourg- CH-FR
The canton of Fribourg is divided into a Catholic and a Reformed part. Reformed municipalities are:
- Courgevaux, Fräschels, Greng, Kerzers, Meyriez, Mont-Vully, Muntelier, Murten, Ried bei Kerzers, Ulmiz and the villages of Flamatt and Sensebrügg in the municipality of Wünnewil-Flamatt.
The following additional public holidays apply in the Catholic municipalities:
- Good Friday
- Corpus Christi
- Assumption Day (15 August)
- All Saints' Day (1 November)
- Conception of the Virgin Mary (8 December)
The following additional public holidays apply in the Reformed parishes:
- Berchtold's Day (2 January)
- Good Friday
- Easter Monday
- Whit Monday
- St Stephen's Day (26 December)
- Amt für den Arbeitsmarkt: Feiertage
Canton Geneva - CH-GE
The following additional public holidays apply in the canton of Geneva:
- Berchtold's Day (2 January): but only if New Year's Day (1 January) falls on a Sunday
- Good Friday
- Easter Monday
- Whit Monday
- August, if the bank holidays (1 August) falls on a Sunday
- Geneva Day of Prayer
- St Stephen's Day (26 December): However, only if Christmas (25 December) falls on a Sunday
- Restoration of the Republic (31 December)
Canton Glarus - CH-GL
The following additional rest days and public holidays apply in the canton of Glarus:
- Näfelser Fahrt
- Good Friday
- Easter Monday
- Easter Sunday
- Whit Sunday
- Whit Monday
- Federal Day of Thanksgiving, Repentance and Prayer
- All Saints' Day (1 November)
- St Stephen's Day (26 December)
Canton Graubünden - CH-GR
The following additional rest days and public holidays apply in the canton of Graubünden:
- Good Friday
- Easter Monday
- Easter Sunday
- Whit Sunday
- Whit Monday
- Federal Day of Thanksgiving, Repentance and Prayer
- St Stephen's Day (26 December)
The municipal authorities are also authorised to designate other religious holidays as local days of rest for their municipal area.
Canton Jura - CH-JU
The following additional rest days and public holidays apply in the canton of Jura:
- Berchtold's Day (2 January)
- Good Friday
- Easter Sunday
- Easter Monday,
- Labour Day (1 May)
- Whit Sunday
- Whit Monday
- Corpus Christi,
- Jura Independence Day (23 June)
- Assumption Day (15 August)
- All Saints' Day (1 November)
Canton Lucerne - CH-LU
The following additional rest days and public holidays apply in the canton of Lucerne:
- Good Friday
- Easter Sunday
- Whitsunday
- Corpus Christi
- Assumption Day (15 August)
- Federal Day of Thanksgiving, Repentance and Prayer
- All Saints' Day (1 November)
- Assumption Day (8 December)
- St Stephen's Day (26 December)
Days that are treated as public holidays:
- Berchtold's Day (2 January),
- Easter Monday
- Whit Monday
St Joseph's Day and the day of the patronal feast designated in the parishes may be regarded as additional local days of rest if they are declared public days of rest by the local parishes.
Canton Neuchâtel - CH-NE
The following additional rest days and public holidays apply in the canton of Neuchâtel:
- Berchtoldstag (2. Januar): But only if New Year's Day (1 January) falls on a Sunday
- Anniversary of the proclamation of the Republic of Neuchâtel (1 March)
- Good Friday
- Labour Day (1 May)
- St Stephen's Day (26 December): However, only if Christmas Day falls on a Sunday
Other regional public holidays may be recognised as local days of rest, but no more than one per year and municipality.
Canton Nidwalden - CH-NW
The following additional rest days and public holidays apply in the canton of Nidwalden:
- St Joseph's Day (19 March)
- Good Friday
- Easter Sunday
- Whit Sunday
- Corpus Christi
- Assumption Day (15 August)
- Federal Day of Thanksgiving, Repentance and Prayer
- All Saints' Day (1 November)
- Conception of Mary (8 December)
Days that are treated as public holidays:
- Berchtold's Day (2 January)
- Easter Monday
- Whit Monday
- St Stephen's Day (26 December)
Other regional public holidays may be considered local days off.
Canton Obwalden - CH-OW
The following additional rest days and public holidays apply in the canton of Obwalden:
- Good Friday
- Easter Sunday
- Whitsunday
- Corpus Christi
- Assumption Day (15 August)
- Federal Day of Thanksgiving, Repentance and Prayer
- Brotherhood Day (25 September)
- All Saints' Day (1 November)
- Conception of the Virgin Mary (8 December)
The following local public holidays also apply:
- Saint Benedict (21 March): Municipality Engelberg
All other municipalities have moved the local feast day (patrocinium) to a Sunday.
- GDB 975.2 - Gesetz über die öffentlichen Ruhetage (Ruhetagsgesetz)
- Feiertage im Kanton Obwalden (PDF)
Canton Schaffhausen - CH-SH
The following additional rest days and public holidays apply in the canton of Schaffhausen:
- Good Friday
- Easter Monday
- Labour Day (1 May)
- Whit Monday
- Federal Day of Thanksgiving, Repentance and Prayer
- St Stephen's Day (26 December)
Days that are treated as public holidays:
- Berchtold's Day (2 January)
Canton Schwyz - CH-SZ
The following additional rest days and public holidays apply in the canton of Schwyz:
- Epiphany (6 January)
- St Joseph's Day (19 March)
- Good Friday
- Easter Sunday
- Easter Monday
- Whit Sunday
- Whit Monday,
- Corpus Christi
- Assumption Day (15 August)
- Federal Day of Thanksgiving, Repentance and Prayer
- All Saints' Day (1 November)
- Assumption Day (8 December)
- St Stephen's Day (26 December)
The following patronal feasts also apply in the districts of Einsiedeln and Schwyz:
- District Einsiedeln: Meinrad Day (21 January) and Angel Consecration (14 September)
- District Schwyz:
- Municipality Rothenturm: St Anthony's Day (17 January)
- Municipality Unteriberg: Candlemas (2 February)
- Municipality of Muotathal: Saint Sigismund (1 May)
- Municipality of Morschach: Gallus Day (16 October)
- Municipality of Sattel: Agatha Day (5 February)
- Municipality of Schwyz: St Martin's Day (11 November)
Canton Solothurn - CH-SO
The following additional rest days and public holidays apply in the canton of Solothurn:
- Good Friday
- Easter Sunday
- Labour Day (1 May), but only from 12:00 noon
- Whit Sunday
- Corpus Christi: Does not apply to the Bucheggberg district
- Assumption Day (15 August): Does not apply to the district of Bucheggberg
- All Saints' Day (1 November): Does not apply to the district of Bucheggberg
Days that are treated as public holidays:
- Berchtold's Day (2 January)
- Easter Monday
- Whit Monday
- St Stephen's Day (26 December)
Further local rest days apply regionally:
- Josephstag (19. März): Fulenbach, Walterswil, Wisen, Metzerlen, Nulgar-St. Pantaleon, Rodersdorf, Bärschwil, Büsserach
- Patroziniumsfeste:
- St.-Antonius-Tag (17. Januar): Aedermannsdorf
- Priskatag (18. Januar): Büsserach
- Fabian- und Sebastianstag (20. Januar): Deitingen, Hochwald, Kienberg, Neuendorf, Rodersdorf
- Vinzenztag (22. Januar): Beinwil
- St. Blasius (3. Februar): Gempen
- Agathatag (5. Februar): Hauenstein-Ifenthal, Neuendorf
- Germanstag (21. Februar): Lommiswil
- St. Urs und Viktor (5. März und 30. September): Kestenholz
- Benediktustag (21. März): Beinwil
- Mariä Verkündigung (25. März): Wolfwil
- St.-Georgen-Tag (23. April): Oensingen
- 1. Mai (auch vormittags): Aedermannsdorf
- Pankratiustag (12. Mai): Matzendorf
- St.-Johannes-Tag (24. Juni): Herbetswil
- St. Peter und Paul (29. Juni): Flumenthal
- Mariä Heimsuchung (2. Juli): Neuendorf
- St.-Pantaleons-Tag (27. Juli): Nuglar-St. Pantaleon
- St. Germanstag (31 Juli): Seewen
- Laurentiustag (10. August): Rodersdorf
- Mariä Geburt (8. September): Matzendorf
- St.-Mauritius-Tag (22. September): Dornach, Kleinlützel
- St.-Ursen-Tag (30. September): Nunningen, Ramiswil, Solothurn
- Remigiustag (1. Oktober): Metzerlen
- Gallustag (16. Oktober): Hochwald
- Herz-Jesu-Fest, Lukastag (18. Oktober): Bärschwil
- Wendelinstag (20. Oktober): Beinwil, Mümliswil-Ramiswil, Nunningen
- Martinstag (11. November): Büren, Mümliswil
- Klemenztag (23. November): Bettlach
- Katharinatag (25. November): Bättwi, Hauenstein-Ifenthal
- Franz-Xaver-Tag (3. Dezember): Himmelried
- Barbaratag (4. Dezember): Kappel
- St.-Johannes-Tag (27. Dezember): Härkingen
- St.-Margrethen-Tag (1. Samstag im Juli): Breitenbach
Canton St. Gallen - CH-SG
The following additional rest days and public holidays apply in the canton of St. Gallen:
- Good Friday
- Easter Sunday
- Easter Monday
- Whit Sunday
- Whit Monday,
- Federal Day of Thanksgiving, Repentance and Prayer
- All Saints' Day (1 November)
- St Stephen's Day (26 December)
Canton Ticino - CH-TI
The following additional rest days and public holidays apply in the canton of Ticino:
- Epiphany
- St. Joseph (19 March)
- Easter Monday
- Labour Day (1 May)
- Whit Monday
- Corpus Christi
- St Peter and St Paul (29 June)
- Assumption Day (15 August)
- All Saints' Day (1 November)
- Conception of the Virgin Mary (8 December)
- St Stephen's Day (26 December)
Canton Thurgau - CH-TG
The following additional rest days and public holidays apply in the canton of Thurgau:
- Berchtold's Day (2 January)
- Good Friday
- Easter Monday
- Labour Day (1 May)
- Whit Monday
- Federal Day of Thanksgiving, Repentance and Prayer
- St Stephen's Day (26 December)
- 822.9 - Gesetz über die öffentlichen Ruhetage (Ruhetagsgesetz, RTG)
- Feiertage und Ruhetage 2022 / 2023 / 2024 im Kanton Thurgau (PDF)
Canton Uri - CH-UR
The following additional rest days and public holidays apply in the canton of Uri:
- Epiphany (6 January)
- St Joseph's Day (19 March)
- Good Friday
- Easter Monday
- Whit Monday
- Corpus Christi
- Assumption Day (15 August)
- All Saints' Day (1 November)
- Conception of the Virgin Mary (8 December)
- St Stephen's Day (26 December)
Other local community holidays may apply regionally.
Canton Vaud - CH-VD
The following additional rest days and public holidays apply in the canton of Vaud:
- Berchtold's Day (2 January)
- Good Friday
- Easter Monday
- Whit Monday
- Whit Monday
Canton Valais - CH-VS
The following additional rest days and public holidays apply in the canton of Valais:
- St. Joseph (19 March)
- Corpus Christi
- Assumption Day (15 August)
- All Saints' Day (1 November)
- Conception of the Virgin Mary (8 December)
Days that are treated as public holidays:
- Berchtold's Day (2 January)
- Easter Monday
- Whit Monday
- St Stephen's Day (26 December)
Canton Zug - CH-ZG
The following additional rest days and public holidays apply in the canton of Zug:
- Good Friday
- Corpus Christi
- Assumption Day (15 August)
- All Saints' Day (1 November)
- Conception of the Virgin Mary (8 December)
Days that are treated as public holidays:
- Berchtold's Day (2 January)
- Easter Monday
- Whit Monday
- St Stephen's Day (26 December)
Canton Zürich - CH-ZH
The following additional rest days and public holidays apply in the canton of Zurich:
- Good Friday
- Easter Sunday
- Easter Monday
- Sechseläuten (city of Zurich only, half day)
- Labour Day (1 May)
- Whit Sunday
- Whit Monday
- Knabenschiessen (city of Zurich only, half day)
- Federal Day of Thanksgiving, Repentance and Prayer
- St Stephen's Day (26 December)
School Holidays
The cantons and their municipalities are responsible for determining the school holidays. Coordination is carried out by the Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education (EDK).
- Schweizerische Dokumentenserver Bildung: Schulferien 2025 (PDF)
- Schweizerische Dokumentenserver Bildung: Schulferien 2024 (PDF)
- Schweizerische Dokumentenserver Bildung: Schulferien 2023 (PDF)
- Schweizerische Dokumentenserver Bildung: Schulferien 2022 (PDF)
- Schweizerische Dokumentenserver Bildung: Schulferien 2021 (PDF)
- Schweizerische Dokumentenserver Bildung: Schulferien 2020 (PDF)
- Schweizerische Dokumentenserver Bildung: Schulferien 2019 (PDF)
Kanton Basel-Landschaft- CH-BL
The school holidays in the canton of Basel-Landschaft are the same for all primary schools, music schools, secondary schools and vocational schools. The only exception is the regional grammar school Laufental-Thierstein.
Kanton Basel-Stadt- CH-BS
The school holidays in the canton of Basel-Stadt are the same for all public schools.
Canton Jura - CH-JU
The school holidays in the canton of Jura are the same for all public schools.
- Vacances scolaires
- Dates des vacances scolaires 2023 à 2028 (PDF)
- Dates des vacances scolaires 2018 à 2023 (PDF)
Kanton Solothurn - CH-SO
The school holidays in the canton of Solothurn are the same for all secondary and vocational schools. The holiday dates for primary schools vary by municipality and region.
Holiday plans for secondary and vocational schools:
Holiday plans for primary schools:
Vatican City¶
Public Holidays
According to the regulations, Vatican City has 26 public holidays for its personnel. Anniversary of the election of the Holy Father and his (civil) name day depend on the current pontificate (currently Pope Francis).
- Bollettino N. 29 - 2021/2022: Regolamento per il Personale del Governatorato dello Stato della Città del Vaticano
- Bollettino N. 11 - 2002: Regolamento per il personale laico del Capitolo della Patriarcale Basilica Vaticana
School Holidays
There are no schools in Vatican City.